lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

ASEAN Essay Contest 2014 - English

ASEAN Essay Contest

The Embassies of the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Buenos Aires (the Kingdom of Thailand, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Malaysia, the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of the Philippines), with the collaboration from the partner universities and other academic institutions in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay announce the call for undergraduate students and graduate scholars to participate in the Second Edition of the ASEAN Essay Contest.
Objectives & Topics
The Contest aims fundamentally to encourage the development of academic analysis and researches to deepen the knowledge about the countries of ASEAN as a bloc.
The subjects or topics of the essay shall focus on ASEAN as a bloc, its political, religious, socio-cultural, economic and historical dynamics and its developments in the past fifty years, and / or its relations with the Republic of Argentina, the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Republic of Paraguay, and Mercosur, or other Latin-American regional organizations.
Suggested subjects or topics are as follow:
            • ASEAN: origins and historical development, processes, dynamics and types of integration, international political and economic positioning, key opportunities and challenges, AEC 2015
            • Relations with other international organizations and interactions in regional forums (ASEAN +1, +3, +5, APEC, WTO, UN, among others)
            • Links between ASEAN and Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mercosur, CLACS, or other Latin-American regional organizations
The above suggested subjects or topics are orientative. While undergraduate students may submit an essay with any other subject or topic related to ASEAN, graduate scholars must submit an essay with analytical considerations/prospects or predictive thesis.
Will be eligible to participate and submit their essays citizens of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, or foreigners with a valid residence permit staying temporally in them, who are undergraduate students and graduate scholars from any public and private universities in the mentioned countries.
Guidelines for Submission
The guidelines detailed below are absolutely strict and those essays that do not conform to them will be disqualified.
• The essay must be unpublished and original, having approximately a minimum length of 10 pages and a maximum length of 15 pages, numbered consecutively (excluding title page, footnotes and bibliography) and written in Times New Roman font, size 12 and 1.5 line space, in PDF format, using A4 paper size (21 cm x 29.7 cm). It must be submitted as a monograph, divided into a front page showing the title, an introduction, a body and a conclusion (besides the bibliography, according to APA referencing system). The essay can be written in Spanish or English.
• The essay must be written by a single author, signed with a pseudonym that does not result in inducing the identity of the author. There shall be no type of sign that may identify the author. The option of "author" among the properties of the document of the word processor must be empty. The file with the essay must be named "ASEAN Essay Contest – essay title - chosen pseudonym". The jury will know the name of the author once the winner essays have been selected, for which the file that accompanied the essay will be opened. It is possible to submit more than one essay per author.
• The essay must be sent only by email. The file with the essay must be accompanied with two other separated files identified with the pseudonym, an executive summary of the content of the essay exclusively in English of no more than 300 (three hundred) words in PDF format, named "ASEAN Essay Contest – summary - chosen pseudonym", and a resume of the basic personal information of the author of the essay (first name and surname, identify document, home address, phone number, email address, graduate or student status, university affiliation) , named "ASEAN Essay Contest - personal information - chosen pseudonym", with a copy of personal ID / Passport with valid residence permit and university student ID, certificate letter, diploma or other equivalent official academic document.
• All the files must be sent to the email address, with the subject “ASEAN Essay Contest”. They must be submitted to the 27th day of the month of June 2014 before 18hrs, as previously indicated. No essays will be accepted after the said date.
The partial or total failure to comply with the previously detailed guidelines entails the automatic disqualification from the Contest.
Participation in the Contest implies acceptance of these Rules in all its terms. The organizers reserve the right to amend without notice the terms of these Rules.
The winning essays will be intellectual property of their respective owners. The author assumes sole responsibility for the claims of any nature that may make third parties regarding the originality or for any other reason on the essay presented. The organizers reserve the right to publish the essays submitted by the participants.
The essays will be evaluated by a jury integrated by Dra. Florencia Rubiolo, Mg. Matias Battaglia, and Lic. Ezequiel Ramoneda, scholars members of renowned universities, with specializations which fits the subject or topic of the Contest, together with diplomatic representatives of the Embassies of the member countries of ASEAN in Buenos Aires. The decision of the jury will be final.
The jury will choose two winners (first and second place) for each category of undergraduate students and graduate scholars.
After the evaluation stage, the organizers will announce the results on the 25th day of the month of July 2014, as well as inform about the award ceremony. The organizers will make personal communications only to the winners.
The organizing embassies, as well as all the partner universities and other academic institutions are not responsible to provide any type of transportation assistance for the winners to the location hosting the award ceremony. The transportation costs shall be covered only by the winners.

In case that a winner cannot be present at the award ceremony, the prize will be transferred or hand-delivered.
For the winning essays the following awards are established in U.S. dollars or in the equivalent national currency of respective participating countries, according to the official rate of the day of announcement of the results:
Awards for essays for graduate scholars
1º place - prize: U$350 (three hundred fifty U.S. dollars)
2º place - prize: U$300 (three hundred U.S. dollars)
Awards for essays for undergraduate students
1º place - prize: U$250 (two hundred fifty U.S. dollars)
2º place - prize: U$200 (two hundred U.S. dollars)


The Embassies of the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Buenos Aires: The Kingdom of Thailand, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Malaysia, the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of the Philippines

Salvador University, National University of La Plata, Catholic University of Córdoba, 21st Century University, Catholic University of Salta, National University of Comahue, Catholic University of Uruguay, National University of Rosario, Interamerican Open University

For more information contact us at


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